Medium Mini Peal Board (205x145mm) customized with Peal Details

Medium Mini Peal Board

Add the bellboard peal number and I will take the details from there, no need to fill in the rest of the information unless you wish to
Tower where peal was rung
Enter the Date of the Peal or Quarter
Enter the Method Name or Heading
If multiple methods add these here
Enter the name of the Conductor, (C) will be added to this name
Enter the time, e.g. 46m or 2h 50m leave blank if not required
List the ringers in Bell Order, e.g. 1. John Smith 2.Janet H Williams 3. Martha Jones 4. Harry Jones etc.
Enter any footnote you want to add
Add any other notes or information for this item, we may contact you to confirm.
Peal boards can be Lamdscape or Portrait orientation, select which you woudl prefer
Rounded corners on the board are an option, but are not recommended if you are going to have the board framed.
Qty greater than Discount (%)
1 50
Qty greater than Discount (%)
1 50
